FRANZ MON | TU | 1962 | Striped text. Signed, dated and titled on the back. Exhibition: 3 course menu exhibition: an articulation around the alphabet. Galerie aKonzept, Berlin 2018. Published in Die Kuenstlerfreundschaft zwischen Franz Mon und Carlfriedrich Claus | 20,3 x 29 cm | CHF 5500.-

We have language, and language has us. We can not think without it, because our thinking is already afflicted with language (…) “A line of text is cut horizontally into several stripes. These stripes reverse their order so that the font fragments appear isolated and give an insight into the fine structure of the font. At the same time they order themselves to a new character configuration” (…) Although “reading” remains the way of perceiving, it becomes a slowed, roughened reading. The results can only be achieved when, on the basis of reading habits that never disappear completely, unusual ways of deciphering are discovered. A combinatorial reading, which uses the skills of the most diverse origins, sits on the conventional seat (translated excerpts from: Franz Mon, Text wird Bild wird Text).